Mars Moon Venus Mars Jupiter Neptune Sun Phobos Deimos T he major objects in the belt; not in scale T he major dwarf planets (including the biggest moon of Pluto in scale . 58 000 000 km 4 879 km 108 000 000 km 12 103 km 149 600 000 km 12 756 km 228 000 000 km 6 792 km 778 000 000 km 142 984 km 65 more moons 1 430 000 000 km 120 536 km 54 more moons 2 900 000 000 km 51 118 km 22 more moons 4 500 000 000 km 49 528 km 13 more moons 1 392 684 km The Solar System Scale representation of the distances of the objects to the sun (Scale: 1:20 000 000 000 000) 1:1 400 000 000 20 000 km 40 000 60 000 1 AU (149.9 Mill. km) [Pluto] = distance of the planet to the sun = average- or equatorial diameter Saturn Pallas Ceres Callisto Ganymede Europa Tethys Rhea Titan Hyperion Iapetus Dione Enceladus Mimas Io Miranda Ariel Umbriel Titania Oberon Jupiter Uranus Neptune Triton Scale proportions: Eris Makemake Pluto Charon Haumea Uranus Saturn Earth Mercury [Ceres] Ring system of Saturn, not in scale Venus Earth Mercury Vesta Juno
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